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Solid Hair Mask

Solid Hair Mask

Regular price $6.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.95 USD
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Recommended for:  Normal to dry hair.

Scent: Fruits

Weight: .7 Onz 

Reminder:  Storage Keep your hot oil treatment somewhere clean and dry until you're ready to use it. In hot weather, store in the fridge to avoid meltdowns.

How to use: Can be use after or before shampooing.

 1. Place your treatment in a heatproof container and boil some water in a cup. 

2. a. Medium/Long Hair - use the HALF of the mask with approximately 1.7 onz of water. 

3.  Slowly add several ounces of boiling hot water to the solid treatment and stir gently using the wooden stick. Take your time, adding water as needed, and allowing the product to thicken until you're left with an empty stick and a rich, creamy treatment. This should take around five minutes.

4.  When it's cool enough to touch, apply to hair and leave for around 15 minutes to allow the ingredients to get to work replenishing your hair.

5. Remove with abundant water. 

Important: If you have a sensitive skin and it starts to itch, it means this bar has strong properties for daily use in your skin type. We recommend you intermittent use. If it continues, stop immediately. By the fresh and handcrafted nature of these conditioner bar, patterns, colors and shapes may vary by batch. 


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Cómo cuidar mis Barras

Enjuaga Después de Cada Uso

Después de utilizar tus Barras, enjuaga bien la barra con agua tibia para eliminar cualquier residuo. Esto ayudará a mantenerla limpia y lista para el próximo uso.

Colócala en un Lugar Seco

Después de enjuagar, coloca la barra en un lugar seco y bien ventilado. Evita dejarla en un ambiente húmedo o directamente bajo la ducha.

Evita el Agua Estancada

Siempre que sea posible, evita que la barra quede sumergida en agua estancada. Un porta-jabón con drenaje es ideal para mantenerla seca.

No Dejes la Barra en la Ducha

Aunque es tentador, no dejes la barra en la ducha entre usos. La humedad constante puede acortar su vida útil.